In the end November of 2015, Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) celebrated the first anniversary of National Savings Day in a ceremony held at the Dili Convention Centre.
This ceremony was a continuation of the official launch of the Financial Education Program on the same weekend last year in which the BCTL announced its intention to conduct a nationwide financial awareness and savings campaign, including giving young savers special clay money boxes, with a promise to double their savings up to a limit of $100 if they brought the money boxes back a year later. The ceremony was attended by more than 1,000 people, including representatives of UNDP, World Bank, students from elementary schools through to high schools in Dili, their teachers, and children of the staff of the Banco Central de Timor-Leste and the commercial banks.

The breaking of the money-boxes and receipt of the money into the children’s Ha’u-Nia Futuru savings accounts was the highlight of the ceremony.
This activity was supported by all four commercial banks operating in Timor-Leste, namely BNCTL, CGD/BNU Timor, ANZ and Bank Mandiri, which established dedicated counters for children to open the money-boxes and deposit their savings into the bank. During the ceremony the Banco Central de Timor-Leste also awarded a number of cash prizes to children who were able to successfully answer questions about savings and financial management.
Details information please see press release in the link. [+ INFO]